It Was Like Getting a PhD in Women in a Week…
Aug 13, 2013
"It was like getting a PhD in women in a week...
I wanted high quality girls. I wanted beautiful girls who were intelligent, with personality...
And since the Bootcamp, about a couple of years ago, I've got to where–even with a full time job, very busy schedule, not putting in a tonne effort–I'm sleeping with about a dozen attractive women every year."
Name: Albert
Age: 40
Occupation: Doctor
Location: New York, USA
Albert: The days I spent with James were among the most eye opening and fascinating days - besides just being really fun. I'd say what I got from it was, I spend my whole life being a fairly successful, smart, intelligent human being but no one ever actually taught me the inner workings of the female brain and how women communicate and how they think. I just had what I had iced up randomly by myself, by chance and some of it was wrong and some of it was incomplete and James just had, through his own life experience, learned so much - it was like getting a PhD in women in a week.
One thing that was really important to me personally is that I did not want to learn this because I'm not necessarily after as much sex as possible with any girl - drunk girls, girl in clubs and bars. I wanted high-quality girls. I wanted beautiful girls who were intelligent, with personality. I've dated girls like that. I just wanted to be more consistent and have more control over it. So, I was going to quality and what you find out by working with James and looking at his videos, his testimonials, his pictures he get the highest quality girls. The girls he dates are educated, PhD students, musicians, models but extremely intelligent. People you are impressed by on all levels - 10's in looks, personality and intelligence. And that's what I'm going after - not just as much sex as I can get with any kind of girl. And that, I think, distinguished him from some other people who try to teach in this. So, if other people feel that way I think this is an amazing opportunity.
So, if you do work with James, if you're fortunate, you will have a major surprise that he'll show you, which is his set of photographs and videos. He probably doesn't have time to show them all but even if you see an inkling, a small percentage of all the photographs he has, of the videos he has of his success with women you will be absolutely amazed. I think when I first saw it I called it the 8th wonder of the world. And you may or may not believe why he has accomplished, by him telling you or me telling you, but when you see his camera and his video you're mind will be blown. The important part of that is that not the fact that you now believe it, the fact is it's inspirational. So, it's not that he can do it but that you can see it can be done. It inspires you to try and pursue that. James will admit 10 years ago he may not have been able to do this and now he can - so maybe anyone can.
I think any man - you can talk about money, you can talk about power, you can talk about professional success - but if you don't have the kind of women you want in your life the truth is it's extremely unlikely that you feel fulfilled. I think most guys, if they are honest with themselves, would rather taken enormous personal success with women and relationships than career.
The other thing that was purely a side benefit of spending time with Jamie on the Bootcamp was, we hung out a lot and we had a lot of meals together, and I used to eat terribly - I did not watch out for my health - and I noticed that he is serval years older than me but the way he ate, the way he took care of himself made a huge difference with the way that he lived and his, sort of, overall vibe, his sexual presence, his success with women, his centredness. So there are a lot of things I've learnt. I'd say in the last year or two I've gotten a lot healthier. I don't eat as much, I eat a lot healthier. I have a deeper interest in things like meditation and yoga - which I had an interest in before - but when you see someone like Jamie make a transformation by caring about his health, caring about his spirituality and you see what he has accomplished it motivates you to do the same thing. And I have definitely made major changes since then.
I would say that I feel as good as I ever have. I'm in my thirties. My health is as good as it's ever been. I'm as centred as I've ever been. My success with women is as good as it's ever been. I'm successful in my professional life, my friendships, my relationships. I had a lot of that going into the training but I've definitely consolidated a lot of that. The health and the eating habits and the mediation and success with women were really catapulted by working with Jamie for serval days. I think any man - you can talk about money, you can talk about power, you can talk about professional success - but if you don't have the kind of women you want in your life the truth is it's extremely unlikely that you feel fulfilled. I think most guys, if they are honest with themselves, would rather taken enormous personal success with women and relationships than career. And I think that, no one's life is perfect, mine's not perfect and it never will be perfect but I have everything in place now. And it feels like every year of my life just keeps getting better.